Music Examples
Please enjoy a selection of music.
Music and SFX, developed by TwoTribes.
Streaming audio.
Music and SFX, developed by TwoTribes.
Using module format music consisting of 12 channels. A total of 50 minutes of music was fit into 550kb.
Music and SFX, developed by Jay van Hutten and Moragami.
Streaming Audio.
Music and SFX, developed by TwoTribes.
Originally using module music format (32 channel). Over an hour of music was packed into 10MB.
Later releases use streaming audio.
Build in the custom made engine ‘GameCreator’ by Rex van Dorp, used at the venue ‘Innovate Arnhem’.
Streaming Audio.
Music and SFX, developed by TwoTribes.
Streaming audio.
Music for the #FinEstBayArea promo video.
Music, developed by TwoTribes.
Music conversion from streaming to module format (12 channel).
Original audio by SonicPicnic.
Music and SFX, in coöperation with MediaLAB Amsterdam and Filmwerkstatt Munster.
Streaming, adaptive music, created for a giant game of building mapped ‘Pacman’ which was shown during the 2011 edition of Flürstucke Festival in Munster, Germany.
Music and SFX, displayed at the Crossing Border festival in The Hague. Video and audio would react to live video input.
Music for various companies and means.